Model NC130 Precut processing system
Application Compatible with a wide variety of pre-cuts in one line
Features: This one-line facility combines three processing machines (cutting and joint processing machine, top and bottom surface processing machine, and side surface processing machine) and can handle a wide variety of pre-cut materials, from cross beams and pillars to special materials and metal fittings. The processing capacity is approximately 133m²/day, and space saving has also been achieved.
Model NC121-2 Feather material processing machine
Application For pre-cutting feather pattern materials
Features: A wide variety of processes can be performed with just one machine, including tedious marking of rafters, bundle processing, and continuous cutting of partitions.
Ideal for processing joists, cross beams, window sills, lintels, corner posts, valley timber, rafters, rafter hangers, gables, fascias, wide lattice beams, climbing beams, joists, spider cross beams, work platforms, and upper girders.
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